Your circadian rhythm helps control your daily schedule for sleep and wakefulness. This rhythm is tied to your 24-hour body clock. Most living things have one. Your circadian rhythm is influenced by outside elements. For example light and dark, as well as other factors. When your brain receives signals based on your environment. Therefore activating certain hormones. They can alter your body temperature, and regulates your metabolism. As a result keeping you alert or draw you to sleep.
Some may experience disruptions to their circadian rhythm because of external factors or sleep disorders.
At Luminetworx™ our PoE Lighting System will improve Circadian Rhythms. This control was designed and built to help regulate the sleep cycles and overall well being of the occupant. The production of melatonin, a hormone that
helps regulate sleep cycles. They can be inhibited by light, especially cool white light (with its large blue light component). To help regulate sleep cycles and improve the quality of sleep, control of the melatonin production cycle through the use of light is key. This technology can be used to help treat many sleep disorders. Including jet lag, shift work sleep disorder, delayed sleep phase syndrome, advance sleep phase syndrome, and non-24-hour sleep/wake disorder (frequently affects those who are totally blind since the circadian clock is set by the light-dark cycle over a 24-hour period).
Luminetworx™ will automatically create Circadian Rhythms. With the goal of replicating the natural changes of the sunlight throughout the day.
PoE Lighting & Circadian Rhythm Gradual transitions
Luminetworx™ PoE lights configured to using the Circadian rhythm will:
1. Gradually brighten the lights in the morning, using cool white.
2. The white lights will then become more neutral and even brighter during the day.
3. As evening approaches, the lights will start to dim and get warmer. They will eventually turn into night light mode for bedtime.
To find out more about the Luminetworx™ PoE Lighting Solution
contact us now.
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