LV Energy Systems is and has been a commercial Solar sales agency for over 10 years. Additionally LV Energy Systems has assisted thousands of clients in saving on their energy bills. To this end LV Energy Systems has taken on the role of energy consultant. What is next for LV Energy? We are now manufacturing and distributing POE LED Lighting systems (Luminetworx). These systems will allow the end user to realize 80% energy savings month after month for the life of the system.
As part of our energy conservation efforts LVES will also be distributing TOU (time of use) battery systems. We will have more details as we get ever closer to delivery, but for now LVES will continue to save its’ clients money with our existing portfolio.
PoE powered office, with the Luminetworx PoE Lighting systems you are able to reduce the power consumption of your lighting by up to 80% but what if you were able reduce the energy consumption of your office and or warehouse even further? Well LV Energy Systems is working to make that very scenario a reality. With an LV Energy Systems PoE office system all of your lighting, computers, monitors, TV’s, access control, cctv and more will be power by POE. This will not only allow you to reduce your energy consumption but will provide needed redundancy in the case of the all too common power outages. When used in conjunction with the proper battery system from LV Energy Systems you can expect up to 180 minutes of run time during a power outage without the need for a costly generator. Additionally it will provide an insulator between your costly hardware and the unreliable power grid. Continue to work in full or half brightness lighting conditions, continue to use your computers, internet, security systems the possibilities are limitless.