LV Energy Systems Solutions, manufacturers smart products to reduce and manage energy consumption. The goal of LV Energy Systems is help our customer reduce electricity costs by reducing energy consumptionsolutions for energy reduction images

Cut Energy Usage and Maintenance while Increasing Employee Productivity and Safety

Managing infrastructure and making capital improvements are a sizable part of any budget. In spite of this, it’s not uncommon for organizations to overspend on lighting and advanced building-control systems simply because they’re not sure which products and service upgrades will meet their needs best while delivering maximum value. They also worry that installation delays will lead to business disruptions and negatively affect the bottom line.

LV Energy Systems provides, cutting-edge technology to design, deliver, and finance custom energy solutions across a variety of market sectors. We achieve superior results for our clients by partnering with them from day one to understand their core business, current energy rates and usage, and goals before tailoring the most appropriate solutions available. With flexible scheduling, minimal disruption, and no capital outlay, we install turnkey solutions that enable our clients to:

  • Cut costs immediately by reducing energy consumption

  • Save on annual maintenance

  • Improve safety and security

  • Increase employee productivity

  • Meet, even exceed, sustainability goals

LV Energy System’s expertise spans various types of indoor facilities, including corporate headquarters, manufacturing, laboratories, gymnasiums and sports arenas, warehouses, distribution and fulfillment centers, hospitals, schools and universities, supermarkets, airport terminals, and apartment buildings. We also deliver outdoor solutions for municipal streets, parking lots, shipping ports, transportation hubs, campuses, and athletic stadiums.

addition to interior and exterior lighting, LV Energy Systems delivers even more savings through advanced, energy-efficiency solutions for other energy consuming appliances through our Solar products.